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Playground.  International Design Festival FID 2014. Group Exhibition. Casa del Cuño. San José, Costa Rica.

Subjetividades.  Fotoveritas 2014. Group Exhibition.  Veritas University. Costa Rica

El Baño. La Fotografía contemporánea entre lo público y lo privado.  Curated by: Juan Antonio Molina .
Group and itinerant exhibition
Oct, 2011: Sala Nacho López, Fototeca Nacional del INAH. México.
Feb 2012: Museo Archivo de la Fotografía de la Ciudad de México (MAF). D.F., México.
May 2012: Galería Alva de la Canal. Universidad Veracruzana. México.
Aug 2012: Galería Casa Vallarta. Universidad de Guadalajara. México.
Sep 2012: Salón Anual de la Imagen 2012, Galería Nacional. San José, Costa Rica.

Salón Anual de la Imagen 2011.
Group Exhibition. , Galeria Nacional.

San José, Costa Rica.








CAROLINA BELLO MAY was born in San Jose, Costa Rica in 1987; where she obtained her degree in Photography at Veritas University.


The conceptual documentary photography, audiovisual production and multimedia projects are her main interests as a producer.


Her work has been exhibited in galleries and museums in Costa Rica and Mexico, such as: INAH National Photo Library (Mexico), Archive Museum of Photography (Mexico) and the National Gallery (Costa Rica).


“I'm interested in photography and audiovisual and it´s ability of aesthetic and conceptual experimentation: to explore new forms of narrative and expression. I want to work within the limits of what is formal and what is real, re­interpreting what exists, abstracting is what worries me. My creative process is based on the constant contemplation of what is around me; the reconfiguration of space." 




Centro Costarricense de Ciencia y Cultura. Costa Rica

Fototeca Nacional del INAH. México.



Espacio Abierto/ Colectivo Nómada. 2014. Photographic essay “Green Memories” with Pablo Franceschi.

Espacio público, in-seguridad y convivencia. Colegio de Arquitectos de Costa Rica y ONU-Habitat. 2012. Book and Exhibition.

Migrando en la Crisis (Migrating during Crisis). for Koen Voorend, IOM `s researcher. (International Organization for Migration). 2010. Photography for report.

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